Sunday, November 22, 2009

Bad Mommy!

Have you ever had one of those moments that make you think you are a bad mom? Well I had one on Friday. I was in the kitchen preparing food for the Bunco Party that was at my house that night. Abby was playing in the exersaucer where I could see her. She started to get a little fussy but since I knew that she had just been fed and had a clean diaper I thought she was just wanting attention but I had to finish what I was doing. All of a sudden I realize that Abby isn't making any noise so I look over. She is fast asleep standing up with her head laying on the edge of the exersaucer! I really wish my camera had been handy but it wasn't. I guess I didn't take into account that she might be fussy because she woke up early from her nap. So, yes, I have my bad mom moments. I'm sure there will be more to come over the years but at least I could find a little humor in this one.


  1. oh, that's not a bad mom thing, Nick used to do that all the time with no warning. Don't you worry, you're a great Mom!!

  2. Haha poor Abby. That is a much better Bad Mom moment than mine! haha! I'm sure there will be many of though through out the years!
