So a little over a month ago, I made a goal to not say anything bad about my body. I started out strong but then slipped up a few times towards the end of the month. It is a REALLY, REALLY hard habit to break. I did have some thoughts though about this subject.
1. Our bodies are a gift from Heavenly Father (hmmm... I'm sure I had a lesson about this in Young Women's many, many years ago). He created us and our features so it must make him pretty sad when we say negative things about ourselves. I think because our bodies are gifts from Him, then it is also very important that we do what we can to take care of them!
2. Who do I say bad things about my body too most often? My husband!! It is kind of funny that I point out my flaws to the one person I want to think I am beautiful!
3. One thing that helped keep me on track was working out! I am usually pretty good at working out several times a week but there has been so much going on the past few weeks that I haven't really been on top of my game. Interesting correlation, when I stop working out, I criticize my body more.
Well, this is a battle that is going to take longer than a month to fight. But, for both my self esteem and my daughters self worth, it is worth it. Now, just to find another health goal for the next month... Maybe stop baking so much on Sundays so I don't eat brownies for breakfast. Or, eat more vegetables! I think I will go with the vegetables. Here goes nothing!
Slow Start
1 week ago
I notice that when I do something for myself ither workout or eat better. I feel better over all. I think feeling good in your own skin helps to give you more pep in your life and thus results in being a better Mom. I know when I take a shower and get dressed for the day I am in a better mood! and more patient with Clover. Good luck!