Monday, February 1, 2010

My little munchkin!

As Abby gets closer to her one year birthday on Wednesday, you can definately see her personality come out more and more each day! It is also amazing to see the new things she can do each day. It seems like each day she does something different! Here she is in the cute outfit her Great Grandparents got her for Christmas and one of the headbands my mom got for her. She knew that we were about to go out on errands and as you can see, she wasn't too happy about it!
She is sneaky and loves to get into places she knows she shouldn't, like this corner!

This is her kitchen drawer. I knew I couldn't fight the fact that she would open a drawer and pull everything out so after some reorganization in the kitchen, she has her own drawer of things that aren't too dangerous and I don't use too often.

And this is her first walking related injury! She is walking all over the place now and unfortunately, she fell on the kitchen tile!
She has also learned to climb up stairs but going back down is another story! She has also seemed to say a few real words but they don't happen that often (mama, dada and uh oh)! Anyone who has met her though knows that she loves to talk and make noises!
Right now we are just counting down the days until her birthday and we will post all about that then!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Diana, she is so cute and she is growing so fast. I can't believe she is walking around now. What a doll! I love your family picture at the top of the blog.
