As I had mentioned before, Abbie had to spend some time in the NICU. She was having trouble eating and her blood sugar dropped really low. They had to put her on an iv and once her blood sugar was back up, we worked on feeding. when we left the hospital, she was feeding great an looks very healthy. At the time, they attributed the incident to the fact that she was so small. This week we learned that one of the newborn screening tests came back positve. It appears that Abbie has a genetic disorder called mcad deficiency. Her body is unable to process certain fatty acids. At first, some of the paperwork that the doctors gave us did not sound too promising but yesterday we met with a geneticist and a nutritionist up at PCMC. They made me feel a lot better. They feel that as long as we follow the treatment plan, she should be able to live a normal healthy life. She has to take a supplement twice a day and she can not fast. Right now that means she absolutely cannot go 3 hours without eating. That time frame will change as she gains weight. She will also have to follow a fat free diet the rest of her life. The scariest part for me is that any time she gets a little sick, we have to take her to the ER for an IV. I just hope that I will be fast enough to catch it when she is sick so that she won't have any negative outcomes. Well, I know this post is a bummer. Trust me, I have cried plenty and I haven't really felt like talking about it the past few days but I thought I should share with everyone what the situation is.