So I have been a little bit bad at making my monthly health goals. Maybe I should make a goal to be better at making goals :) Well I just want everyone to know I did make it a month with no soda. When I was trying to decide on a goal for this month I considered giving up either ice cream or fried foods but honestly, that would be cheating because I rarely eat those (you think no soda, no ice cream and no fried foods i'd be pretty skinny but oh well). So then I started thinking about what could make a real difference. (Warning, I am about to regurgitate some of my college education) There are 5 areas to health, they are physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social. I decided to do something that would help my emotional health. How many of you out there say on a regular basis "I'm so fat" or "I can't stand my (insert least favorite body part here)". Well, I do and it made me think about what kind of impact this will have on Abby as she gets older. I could go into a lot of detail about different things I have seen and heard but it would take me a long time. So, my goal for the next month is to not say anything negative about my body. This may be the hardest goal ever but I feel it is really important. If anyone is interested in learning more about encouraging our daughters to have healthy self esteem, go to and check out the campaign for real beauty and check out this video[cp-documentid=8354359]/. Wish me luck! Jason will be holding me accountable!
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