I just have to say that one of the reasons that I married Jason is that I knew he was going to be a wonderful father and he has definitley not disappointed!
Okay, here is what else is going on. Last Monday we took Abby back to Primary Childrens for her checkup (I think she will have 2 or 3 a year while she is a child). Everything went really well (except for the blood draw, they had to poke her twice and she still has 2 bruises :( . They said that she is growing well and looking really good. At the appointment she weighed in at 14 pounds, 12 ounces (yes my arms are starting to regain some of the definition they once had). They said we can slowly work her time between feedings at night up to 7 hours. I think we might still play it safe though. Many of the people in the support group say that they still feed children older than her every 4 to 5 hours at night. It isn't too bad right now. She sleeps through the feedings so it is usually just 15 to 20 minutes that I am awake each time. Other good news is that instead of having to take her to the ER for a fever of 100.5, it is now 101.3. They also said that if it is during the day to take her to the pediatrician first to see what is causing the fever and then they would decide what to do from there. One hard thing about going to the doctor though is that I think English is his second language and I don't know if he is truly understanding some of my questions. Some people in the support group have said that they have had trouble with ER staff not following the protocol letter we have been given. I asked the Dr. what we should do if that happens. He said we should go to Primary Childrens because they would give her the best care (most likely true). I don't think he was really understanding our concern though because it is an hour away, who wants to drive their child an hour when they could be reaching a metabolic crisis?!? I guess we will just cross that bridge when we get to it. Decide where to go based on weather and traffic and Abby's condition. Jason and I were talking about Abby's future doctors visits. Since we have to go to Salt Lake anyways we think as she gets older we will make an outing of them. Maybe go to the zoo, This is The Place Park, Temple Square and other fun places to visit. I totally enjoy Abby the age she is now but it will be so fun to take her on outings.
Other news, I have a walking buddy, hooray!! It has been great because a) I have contact with an adult other that Jason (since I have been at home, I feel my social skills dwindling immensley) b)MOTIVATION!!! She can't go walking with me everday but knowing me might makes me get up and ready so I go walking no matter what, except for rain and c) I am slowly losing weight and starting to fit into some of my old clothes. It's taking awhile but that is okay because slow and steady wins the race, right? Next goal, get back into my Old old clothes (before mid 20's weight gain). Well, that is about all of the news except that Jason's truck stopped working. All I can say is that when it rain's it pours. Hopefully we can get it fixed without spending too much money. I will try to post more pictures soon. We love you all.
Aww, love the pics!! I agree Al is wonderful and treats you both so great. Glad things are going really well. It was so nice talking with you over the phone the other day. We should do that more often.