Just want to let everyone know that Abby's story is one of the newborn screening stories featured on the FOD Support website. You can check it out by going to
http://www.fodsupport.org/, click on Newborn Screening and then the stories are on the right. You can click on Abigail's story or read some of the others. To go to her story directly you can go to
www.fodsupport.org/abigail.htm. I want to take this moment to stress to everyone the importance of Expanded Newborn Screening. Last I heard only 17 states do this routinely. 17, that's not even half of the United States!! Not only does it test for MCAD but also for many other disorders that can be deadly to children and the test is very inexpensive. Before we had Abby's diagnosis, I didn't think twice about this test but now I am thankful every day for it. I know that California, Utah and Florida are among the 17 states but if you are reading this and live somewhere else that doesn't do this test, I urge you to write to your legislator and request this test be standard for all newborns. Approximatley 25% of babies with Fatty Acid Oxidation Disorders die before they are diagnosed. If every chiled was tested at birth there would be a lot less deaths. I am so thankful every day that Abby was tested at birth so if she ever is in a metabolic crisis, we know how to help her. I just wish that every child with this disorder would be able to have the same chance.
Wow only 17 states do it?? Wow that is crazy!! It seems like it would be a country wide thing! The lives that could be saved from it seems to me to be reason enough to do it.